We have a winner!

We have a winner! The gods of random chance have rolled the dice, and the winner of our Erekos ARC giveaway is Brianna Smith! We'll be emailing you shortly to…

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Erekos in Print!

  We know you're as excited as we are about the upcoming print release of Erekos by A.M. Tuomala. September is a long, long time away, though, and so we…

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Once more, with feeling

Got the first proof of the Erekos ARC yesterday and it looks pretty good. There were still a few issues, though, mostly relating to the baseline grid, the gutters, and…

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Font Geekery

I've been spending the better part of the last two weeks revising Erekos for its print release in September, and dealing with the vagaries of what font, leading, and kerning…


Signed copies of Erekos in May

For the month of May, anyone who purchases a copy of Erekos through the Candlemark & Gleam website will get an AUTOGRAPHED copy! How is this possible, you ask? You…

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Big News

Big news. Big, big news. First, a remembrance: On April 21, 1910, one of my personal heroes died. Mark Twain, née Samuel Clemens, had an undeniable effect on the world…


Erekos Reader Drawing – we have a winner!

Courtesy of the resident Psychic Parrot and his patent-pending random selection process, we have a winner in the Erekos Reader Drawing! We've e-mailed Kathryn from Virginia to let her know…

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Best Of

We're absolutely blown away to have gotten a "Best Of" recognition in our very first year, with our very first title. That's right, Cold Iron & Rowan Wood, a book…

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