The Ever-Starry Works

As Candlemark & Gleam readers know, we just launched To Shape the Dark, a sibling to The Other Half of the Sky, with original SF stories focusing on women scientists.…

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Launch Day: To Shape the Dark

Today's the launch of To Shape the Dark, an anthology of original SF stories about women scientists doing science not-as-usual, conceived, created, and edited by Athena Andreadis. To Shape the…

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Readercon Wrapup

We're back from Readercon, and excited about what's coming!

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All set up and ready to roll, complete with candy.

Call for submissions – new anthology

Candlemark and Gleam is proud to announce an anthology of Alternate History: Substitution Cipher, a collection of tales of deceit, betrayal, and espionage, in worlds that could have been our…