Lift-off: Fortune’s Favor by Jo Graham

Pealing bells for Jo Graham, whose mythic space opera Fortune’s Favor lifts off today!

Third in The Calpurnian Wars linked-saga series after Sounding Dark and Warlady, Fortune’s Favor continues to weave the tapestry of the conflict of human cultures flung between the stars that awaken powerful mythic avatars of advanced technology that have become indistinguishable from magic. With echoes from the cultures of Minoans, Celts, Romans and Alexander’s epigonoi, Fortune’s Favor is equal parts Taken and Memoirs of a Geisha: seamlessly fusing far past and far future, it cries out for the attention of someone with the talent and flair of Kathryn Bigelow or Denis Villeneuve. The riveting synopsis:

When a Calpurnian faction leader kidnaps the young son of the Guardian of the city of Beira on Menaechmi, it’s up to his gaura, the intrepid Caralys, to find a way to rescue the boy. Getting a child off a Calpurnian warship in orbit safely seems impossible, but Caralys has an ace up her sleeve, a freelance agent named Bister. Bister wants Menaechmi’s support to repeal the Isolation that keeps her people imprisoned on Inanna, and what better way to get it than to have the Guardian owe her a favor? With the help of Boral, a young Morriganian electromancer on Menaechmi for his first port call, Bister lays her plans to trick the Calpurnians out of their prize. But when the Calpurnians threaten the unarmed cities of Menaechmi, the stakes get higher than one boy’s life. The fate of Menaechmi is in play, and Caralys must roll the Golden Lady’s dice to save her family and her world.

 Jo Graham is the author of twenty-five books and three online games. Best known for her historical fantasy novels Black Ships and Stealing Fire, and her tie-in novels for MGM’s popular Stargate series, she has been a Locus Award finalist, an Amazon Top Choice, a Spectrum Award finalist, a Romantic Times Top Pick in historical fiction and a Lambda Literary Award and Rainbow Award nominee for bisexual fiction. With Melissa Scott, she is the author of five books in the Order of the Air series, a historical fantasy series set in the 1920s and 30s. She is also the author of three pagan spirituality books. She lives in North Carolina with her partner and is the mother of two daughters. The stunning, evocative cover is by Eleni Tsami, her eighth such magical creation for Candlemark.

Fortune’s Favor received enthusiastic endorsements from, among others, genre legend Melissa Scott and #1 NY Times best-selling author E.K. Johnston. Excerpts:

This series just keeps getting better! I fell in love with the complex, sensual, cut-throat entrepôt that is the city of Beira on Menaechmi and with its equally complicated Guardian, then stayed up far too late, heart in my throat, to find out what would happen next. Lush, complicated—and thought-provoking—adventure. —Melissa Scott, SFF forerunner, winner of numerous awards

Familiar faces to the rescue as Graham gives us a new world to fall in love with and then immediately get incredibly concerned over. —E.K. Johnston

Fortune’s Favor is available on Amazon, B&N, Kobo – and of course on our website, where buying the lovingly prepared trade paperback also brings along the full digital bundle (PDF, Epub and Mobi) . All C&G ebooks are DRM-free. The ongoing US Post Office upheaval has necessitated use of UPS for shipping print copies, which in turn has unfortunately forced us to raise shipping fees.

Come explore Fortune’s Favor with us; discover the Nine Worlds, and hear the star wind carry whispers of lost ships, unusual heroes, and perilous gods!