Reckless Imprint: Cover Reveal

Two weeks ago we launched The Reckless, our new imprint of novelette/novella-length digital works. In that post and in the submission guidelines I mentioned that works in this category will sport semi-customized covers.

With great pleasure I can now reveal these covers, created by Alan C. Caum — an artist of unusually broad range who also crafted the stunning cover for A. M. Tuomala’s Drakon and the jaunty, tongue-in-cheek one for Anne E. Johnson’s Red Spawn Delivery; the witty ads for Justin Robinson’s City of Devils and Fifty Feet of Trouble; and the evocative map for Amy Bai’s Sword.

Each work will have a different inset and font. This will make them instantly recognizable as members of The Reckless extended family, yet keep each unique. And there’s a very specific reason why the covers don’t look glittery: these will be lived-in universes, lovingly handled instruments, metal and leather weathered by fruitful use; not imperial or corporate pods but The Millennium Falcon and Serenity.