An out-of-this-world party

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What’s better than having a launch party for a book?

Having a totally out-of-this-world party featuring character-themed cupcakes, a space playlist, and glow in the dark superballs!

This past Saturday, Anne E. Johnson celebrated the release of Green Light Delivery with a great party in Manhattan, and some truly delectable-looking cupcakes. There was a raffle, a reading, and “much joyous bouncing of superballs.”


Webrid’s: Dark chocolate cake, vanilla-mint frosting, and a spearmint candy laser. He says, “It ain’t the worst thing I ever put in my mouth.”

Stravin’s: Buttermilk cake, vanilla buttercream frosting, and a white chocolate feather. “Exquisite, subtle, delicate. Just like me, darling.”

Zatell’s: Spice cake, vanilla and chocolate radial limbs, and a raspberry center. “Mine’s the best one, you hairy hoongofl!”

Man, delicious and cheeky – that rocks!

We’re totally looking forward to having another spacey party for GLD on July 21 at Modern Myths in Northampton, Massachusetts – won’t you join us?